Monday, November 1, 2010

Obama at USC

Obama's visit to USC was definitely an experience that I will never forget. He is one of the most popular men in the world and his name will be acknowledged in our history textbooks forever because he is the first person of a non-white ethnicity to get into office. Witnessing the billions of police and FBI cars, the mile long lines, and excitement in peoples faces further allowed me to understand how important of a man he actually is. In Obama's speech he spoke about the current crisis that America is in today. Even though America's economy has made some progress, it is recovering from one of its most dramatic declines and all the scrutiny is weighing on Obama. In the beginning of his speech, Obama stressed that the Bush Administration and others involved dug a huge hole for America and left him to clean up the mess. Even though Obama isn't perfect and he hasnt made the best decisions, he was left with a huge mess to clean up and people can expect him to make it disappear in a short amount of time. Progression takes time and we all must work together to make a difference and not leave all of the pressure on him. This is why it is very important for people to vote because one vote can be the decision between somebody who you don't want and office and somebody you do.


  1. I agree, voting is incredibly important. It was nice to see a president, it will be a very historic moment in all of our lives. Jamie Foxx was incredibly annoying so that definitely took away from the presentation in my opinion.

  2. It was amazing that President Obama was able to have a rally at the front steps of Doheny Library. It is very important that everybody goes out and votes because it is one of your civil rights. Many people taking voting as a right for advantage, but they do not realize the effort and struggle that many people went through to receive this right.
