Sunday, November 28, 2010

Policing in the Justice System

The topic I chose for this paper was the Justice system and particularly the Justice system. As many of us know, there has been a lot of corruption associated with the policing system of the United States. In my Black Social Movements, we have learned a lot about how the police have beaten up, drug trafficked, and planted crimes on innocent people. This has caused a lot of people to speak out against the corruption and it has given the police a bad name. However, others have felt that the police have done a great job in the communities around the country. I guess it just depends on your perspective....


  1. I agree with you in that it all depends on your perspective. If your wealthy you tend to be treated with more respect and actually protected. When you live in more impoverished areas or are a minority the policing you experience tends to be more harassment than anything else. This topic is important because it is a serious problem in out country and it is not as addressed as often as it should be.

  2. This is a great topic to analyze for your last essay. Policing in the Justice System is a major problem that needs to be addressed and thousands of people are being affected by this problem. It is especially a bigger problem for the minority because they are not highly respected in society and thus receive poor legal rights.
